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Artikel 1 - 15 von 241

David Rose - Take my Love / Love is eternal

6,50 € *

David Rose - Love is a many - Splendored thing / You and you alone

6,50 € *

David Rose - Take my Love / Love is eternal

6,50 € *

David Rose - An American in Paris / Liza

6,50 € *

David Rose - Fiddlin' for fun / Zing Zing - Zoom zoom

6,50 € *

David Rose - Moon of Manakoora / Deep Purple

6,50 € *

David Rose - Wonderful One / The Tina-Lina

6,50 € *

David Rose - Wonderful One / The Tina-Lina

6,50 € *

Roy Smeck's Hawaiian Trio - When it's Springtime in the Rockies / It Happend in Monterey

7,50 € *

Max Réjean - Mon amour quand je dane avec toi / C'est suffisant pour des amants

7,50 € *

Norman Long - That little Back Garden of Mine / Aren't we all

7,50 € *

Carmen Cavallaro - Polonaise / Enlloro

5,00 € *

Danny Kaye - Farming / The Fairy Pipers

8,50 € *

Gracie Fields - Falling in Love again / What Archibald says, goes

8,50 € *
7,50 € *