78 rpm

Seite 8 von 9
Artikel 106 - 120 von 127

8,99 € *
6,99 € *
9,99 € *
9,99 € *

Yehudi Menuhin & Marcel Gazelle - Sonata No. 4 in D (Handel) (Seite 3 und 4)

10,99 € *

Amelita Galli-Curci - Lo, here the gentle lark / Echo song

5,99 € *

Gladys Ripley - He shall feed his Flock / He was despised

19,99 € *

Solomon - Chorale-Prelude: Sleepers, Wake! / Sonata in F Major, L384

13,90 € *

Dennis Noble - From fair provence / Say goosd-bye now to pastime and play

8,99 € *

Joan Cross and Webster Booth - Il Travatore / La Boheme

6,99 € *

Webster Booth - Serenade / If you had but known

6,99 € *

London Symphony Orchestra - Dance of the Tumblers / Storm Music

6,99 € *
13,50 € *
15,50 € *